Hipsters (creatives) &
Hackers (techies)
& Hustlers (entrepreneurs)
The Ask: Since 2019, Stoke has planned and hosted FlintConf for entrepreneurs, creatives, freelancers, side hustlers, and students who are seeking connections with peers and mentors, a push in the right direction to move their business forward, and apps and advice to add to their toolkits for success.
Sounds awesome, right?! Well it is. The creator of FlintConf and and all around badass, Heather Gregory, wants more people to know about its awesomeness too.
That’s where we come in.
Heather wanted to capture the essence of the 2023 FlintConf on film so that the word can spread far and wide to all hipsters (creatives), hackers (techies) and hustlers (entrepreneurs) searching for community and wanting to grow personally and professionally.
The Results: Footage that captured the energy and creativity of the conference and those attending which resulted in the following deliverables
A 2 minute promotional video
A shorter ‘sizzle’ video
3 conference speakers and attendee testimonials
A promotional video edited specifically for social
Produced by The Monthly Junk
Directed by Sarah Adams and Maggie Rieth Austin
Director of Photography Sarah Adams
Editing/Post by Maggie Rieth Austin